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Suchý kašel

Plíce, dýchání Anna 27.4.2020

Dobry den,

I apologize that I'm writing in English, I speak some Czech, but will be able to describe the problem better. I hope that there's some English speaking doctor available in this portal.

I had a respiratory infection in March, had no fever, but the throat inflammation quickly went down to the chest and gave some burning pain in the upper part of the chest. The GP said she didn't hear any special problems in the lungs, but prescribed Azithromycin. In addition to that I was taking Erdomed and Clarinase. The infection was gone, but I had a bad cough since then.

Starting about April 16 I had the same burning and pain sensation, but in the lower part of the chest. The pain location changes depending on what position in the space I take, it can move more to the back or to the left/right part of the chest of I'm lying. The burning sensation stays in the middle of the chest. At night the pain gets worse, sometimes I feel sort of pain explosions in the lungs. I still have no fever, but got dry cough. On Monday, April 20, I called my GP. She asked if I had fever and said if no fever there's nothing wrong with my lungs, these are just some consequences of the cough. She prescribed Erdomed again and some antihistamines suggesting that the cough comes from pollen. She also confronted me quite emotionally when I doubted such pain can be a normal thing and asked whether it would be good to have additional examination (perhaps, an X-ray?)

At first, some of the liquid coughed out, so it seemed that the things would be improving. However, at the moment, a week later, the dry cough has returned and is quite strong, I still have burning and pain in the chest, which gets worse at night and better during the day (probably, vertical position is better). It hurts to take a deeper breath. I also feel slightly dizzy for the last couple of days, even though there's no strong breath obstruction.

I would like to understand my next steps. My GP is really insisting that nothing special happens. Would it be better to push for additional examination? Would it be possible to conduct such examination with another doctor, without recommendation from the GP? In the current situation of pandemic, I don't want to raise too much panic and distract the doctors who are busy with more severe cases, but I'd really like to have the second opinion.

Best regards,

Odpovídá lékař:

MUDr. Alžběta Vogelová

Specializace: Praktické lékařství pro dospělé Pracoviště: MediClinic, a.s.

Hello, it is difficult to tell diagnosis without physical examination. Sometimes, after the infectio...

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